Make the most of your Italy vacation with Central Holidays! Italy is a travel destination that seduces from the start. Encompassing attributes from opera to Armani, Italy's legacy of art, food and culture satiate the senses at every turn. While soaking in the Italian culture, travelers here can stroll among Roman ruins, absorb the masterful art and architecture, explore medieval hill towns, ski in the Alps, or cruise along its breath-taking waterways and coastal splendors. Italy is a living, breathing art class, history lesson and cookbook all rolled into one. Lose yourself in every moment in Italy’s capital, Rome…step back in time to the Ancient Roman Empire and the beginnings of western civilization as you explore the Roman Fo...
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At A Glance
Capital: Rome
Population: 61 Million
Area: 116350 Sq Mi
Currency: Euro
Language: Italian
Time Zone: UTC+1